Wednesday, November 5, 2014

Back in the game ballsdeep Chapter 1: P.I.

Okay, i made a few planetary interaction posts a while back that were just plain confusing. What i hope to accomplish now is beyond me, but i like pretty pictures and i know you do too!

One day a couple weeks ago i realized my silos (storage facility) were slowly filling up with level 1 commodities, and decides, who the fuck cares and fiddled drastically with one of my alt's extractor heads to see if anything would explode.

The below pictures are the current result for one of my alt's planets:
‎October-‎26-‎14, ‏‎21:20:53 PST [DST]

‎October-‎28-‎14, ‏‎6:58:27 PST [DST]

‎October-‎30-‎14, ‏‎18:23:07 PST [DST]

‎November-‎05-‎14, ‏‎8:30:08 PST
So what started out as a 11,000 surplus of Reactive Metals has shrunk by approx 5000 units over a period of 9.5 days, or 22.2 units per hour. Meaning it'll take another 11 days to drain the surplus of Reactives. I refreshed the extractors each time i took the screenshot, btw, so it's not an accurate summation of a 14 day cycle, but close enough to an average lazy person's maintenance of said colony.

Too bad we couldn't damage them using DUST514 characters, eh?

This is good news because i was afraid, if i fiddled with the balance of extractor heads, i'd overcompensate and ruin a good thing. Apparently you can completely fuck with your extractor heads in order to siphon off the surplus in the storage facilities (aka "silos" as i like to call them)

As a followup i'd like to track this particular planet for it's average output of Mechanical Parts - currently 3.62 units per hour - then i'd like to see what sort of distribution i should have for the other fuel block ingredients so i can efficiently create blocks without having too much surplus of ingredients. That would be cool.

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